chronic mechatronic

Threaded rod as lead screws on DIY CNC? Bad idea! | Budget UV laser cutter part 2

DIY enclosed laser cutter on a budget #1 | the gantry!

DIY 600x420mm ENCLOSED laser cutter part 0 - project overview and design

FIXING my unipolar 3D printer! | part 16 (new wheels)

Cheapest 3D printer makes GREAT benchy | unipolar 3D printer #17

Chronic Mechatronic Channel Trailer

How to WIRE UP your Arduino CNC plotter using 28BYJ-48 steppers and RC servo

How to build a REAL 30W soldering iron on a budget of $0.00! - pt 1

How to make Cheap Soldering Iron Tips (including SMD version)

How to make a laser engraver ALTERNATIVE for your CNC pen plotter

Simplest transistor based PWM controller

New simplest PWM generator WITHOUT 555 timer IC (improved version using ONLY transistors!!)

DIY unipolar 3D printer part 1 - important design considerations

Smart mount for a reused power supply #reducereuserecycle

How to make a small YouTube channel pay for itself #shorts

A new old controller for my CNCs!

The camera glass on my phone broke - so I replaced it for $1!

How to make a decorative (kind of vintage) spiral LED bulb from scratch

DIY wooden 3D printer extruder using the 28BYJ-48

Designing UniStep - an open source UNIPOLAR stepper motor driver!

Drowning SMD components in solder paste #electronics

Is this chinese $3 car stereo any good? Let's find out!

50W of new solar power!!!

Epic tool wall fail